These are the posters presented by our research team and collaborators during the 16th Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts (USA), on October 24-27, 2023.
✔️ Poster 189: Correlation between Altoida’s digital cognitive assessment and standard neuropsychological tests in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and cognitively healthy volunteers.
Emmanuel Streel1, Adria Tort Merino2, Alberto Ferrari3, Gonzalo Sanchez-Benavides4,5,6,7, Carolina Minguillon4,5, Silvia Fallone8, Robbert Harms9, Ioannis Tarnanas10, Mircea Balasa2, M. Florencia Iulita11
1Altoida Inc. - Washington (United States), 2Hospital Clinic, IDIBAPS - Barcelona (Spain), 3Altoida Inc. - Rome (Italy), 4Barcelona βeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) - Barcelona (Spain), 5Pasqual Maragall Foundation - Barcelona (Spain), 6Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute - Barcelona (Spain), 7(CIBERFES), Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Madrid (Spain), 8Altoida Inc. - Maastricht (Netherlands), 9Altoida Inc. - Nijmegen (Netherlands), 10Altoida Inc. - Thessaloniki (Greece), 11Altoida Inc. - Barcelona (Spain)
✔️ Poster 190: Building an Evidence Catalog of Digital Measurement Technologies to Accelerate Endpoint Development in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Clinical Trials
Sarah Averill Lott1, Emmanuel Streel2, Piper Fromy3, Jennifer Goldsack4, On Behalf of The Dime Core Digital Measures Of ADRD Project Team4
1The Digital Medicine Society - Johnstown (United States), 2Altoida - Washington, DC (United States), 3The Digital Medicine Society - Saumur (France), 4The Digital Medicine Society - Boston (United States)